Lemon-Garlic Infused Olive Tapenade
We did this video in partnership with our local hospital about growing and cooking with herbs. Lemon-Garlic Infused Olive Tapenade makes use of them.
/by Stephen Scott
Peel Garlic in 10 Seconds
Can you peel garlic in 10 seconds? Not just one clove, but a whole head? We show you how in our very short video!
/by Stephen Scott
White Sonora Wheat – Perfect Grain for the Home Gardener
White Sonora Wheat is popular again as many claim it's the best flour for cakes, breads and tortillas.Easy to grow!
/by Stephen Scott
Slow Food Southwest Regional Meeting
The Slow Food Southwest regional meeting in Chino Valley, AZ June 8 & 9, 2013 with several Slow Food chapters.
/by Stephen Scott
From New York to Africa, Why Food is Saving the World
Brian Halweil shares an important message about how food can and does change the world for the better.
/by Stephen Scott
Hand Packing Heirloom Seeds Video
Ever wonder what goes into the packets of heirloom seeds you get in the mail? Here's how Terroir Seeds packs theirs.
/by Stephen Scott
Benefits of Heirloom Seeds vs GMO Seeds Video
The benefits of heirloom seeds vs GMO seeds explores what a home gardener should know and what they can do.
/by Stephen Scott
GMOs and Roundup – How They Affect People, Animals, Soil and Waterways
Video presentation that shows the dangers of GMOs seeds and how they work with Roundup (glyphosate).
/by Stephen Scott
Seeds – Getting Their Due Recognition
Seeds are the building blocks of every meal we eat; all our fruits and vegetables, all our grains, plus the meat and milk that’s raised on grass and grain.
/by Stephen Scott
Two Options with Vandana Shiva
Dr. Vandana Shiva telling of the struggle to preserve heirloom seeds in her native India.
/by Stephen Scott
Fun At Slow Food Terra Madre
There was lots of fun at Slow Food Terra Madre, as we showcase some of our experiences with the light-hearted side.
/by Stephen Scott
Slow Food Terra Madre Opening Ceremony
The Slow Food Terra Madre opening ceremony was a spectacular introduction and promise of many more incredible experiences in the following 4 days.
/by Stephen Scott
A World of Taste – Slow Food Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto 2012
The Slow Food premier event – Terra Madre and Salone del Gusto – happens every two years in Turin, Italy. We present an overview of our experiences.
/by Stephen Scott
Carlo Petrini’s Speech to Slow Food USA Delegates
We present Carlo Petrini's reception speech to the Slow Food USA delegates to the 2012 Terra Madre conference in Turin, Italy.
/by Stephen Scott
The Problem with Genetically Modified Seeds
An interview with Dr. Vandana Shiva on the history of genetically modified seeds and actual GMO production versus what was promised.
/by Stephen Scott
Successful Heirloom Seed Starting for the Home Gardener
A look at a successful small scale heirloom seed starting setup. We show you the components used, how they work together and how you can create your own!
/by Stephen Scott
2011 Terroir Seeds Growing Season Update- 3/6/2011
The snows have melted off, but the clouds are gathering for more rain or possibly snow showers and we show our progress for this year's garden.
/by Stephen Scott
2011 Terroir Seeds Growing Season- Intro and Updates
Through a series of videos, you can watch how we start seeds, what equipment and techniques we use, and see the growth of our trial garden.
/by Stephen Scott