
Benefits of Heirloom Seeds vs GMO Seeds Video

What’s Up with Our Seeds? Heirloom Seeds vs GMO Seeds

Stephen did a presentation for the GMO Free Prescott group at One Root, a local apothecary and herbothecary on the state of our seeds and what the benefits are for the home gardener. After introductions and going over some foundational definitions, the main topic was GMO seeds, what they are, where they came from and what the concern is. Once the facts, figures and issues had been introduced and briefly discussed the focus shifted to education for the home gardener and what a single person could do in their own garden and why heirloom seeds play such a critical role for them.

As a point of clarification, Wendell Berry’s excellent passage from “The Idea of a Local Economy” was read –

“What has happened is that most people in our country, and apparently most people in the “developed” world, have given proxies to the corporations to produce and provide all of their food, clothing and shelter. Moreover, they are rapidly giving proxies to corporations or governments to provide entertainment, education, child care, care of the sick and elderly, and many other kinds of “service” that once were carried on informally and inexpensively by individuals or households or communities. Our major economic practice, in short, is to delegate the practice to others.”

The point was made that we as individuals must make our own decisions for our own lives, starting with the decision to determine the quality and source of our food that we want. From there, the opportunities that are open to the individual were explored, as well as the responsibility to learn more about our food that we eat and to take action based on this new-found knowledge.

Watch the presentation to see why we believe that every person growing a garden makes the world better, one garden at a time!

2 replies
  1. K. P. Gager
    K. P. Gager says:

    Thanks for educating the public on HEALTHY food.

  2. Stephen
    Stephen says:

    Of course, Karl! The more that people understand what’s at stake here (their health) and the fact that they do, indeed, have a choice- the better off we all will be.

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