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The Value of a Home Garden
Learn about the true value of a home garden in enhancing well-being and providing a soothing escape from daily challenges.
/by Stephen Scott
Wild Galapagos Tomato
Discover the incredible resilience and adaptability of the Wild Galapagos Tomato. Learn about its history and how it's being used in innovative research.
/by Cindy Scott
Plant Your Spring Flowers in the Fall
Get ready for a vibrant spring garden! Learn why fall is the perfect time to plant wildflowers and flower seeds for a blooming display.
/by Stephen Scott
Indoor Herbs – A Guide to Growing Fresh Flavors Year-Round
Bring the flavors and scents of fresh herbs into your home with an indoor herb garden. Learn how to easily cultivate herbs indoors.
/by Stephen Scott
Why Grow Cover Crops: Easy Soil Improvement
Discover the power of cover crops for easy soil improvement in your garden. Enhance soil health, suppress weeds, and attract beneficial insects with these natural helpers.
/by Stephen Scott
How to Plan for Fall and Winter Gardening
Successful Fall and Winter Gardening depends on summer planning for cool season harvests. We show you an easy way for great fall produce!
/by Stephen Scott
Stale Seedbed Technique – Harness Nature’s Cycles for Less Weeding, More Gardening
The counterintuitive gardening technique that gives you cleaner beds with less work. Discover the secret of stale seedbeds.
/by Stephen Scott
Homemade Weed Killers – Are Social Media Recipes Safe and Effective?
Discover the truth about homemade weed killers. Are social media recipes safe and effective? Find out before you try them in your garden.
/by Stephen Scott
A Systems Approach to Gardening Success
Uncover the power of a systems approach for gardens. Understand the interconnectedness of plants, insects, soil, and more for a thriving ecosystem.
/by Stephen Scott
Cover Crops Beat Garden Weeds
Planting cover crops benefits your garden in many ways, beyond just soil improvement. Weed suppression, attracting pollinators, and nutrients for next season are some examples.
/by Stephen Scott
Trap Crops – Organic Pest Management for Gardeners
Discover the power of trap cropping for pest control in your home garden. Learn how to use decoy plants to protect your precious vegetables.
/by Stephen Scott
How to Grow Citrus Flavors in Your Garden
These eight easily grown herbs bring fresh, bright and invigorating citrus scents and flavors to your kitchen and garden, even if you can’t grow citrus trees.
/by Stephen Scott
Growing Delicious Carrots from Seed to Harvest
Discover the secrets of growing perfect carrots in your backyard. Our guide covers everything from seed selection to harvest time.
/by Stephen Scott
Spring Garden Soil Elixir
A Spring garden soil elixir that is easy to mix, completely non-toxic and hugely beneficial to jump-starting your garden's soil for planting.
/by Stephen Scott
Growing Great Eggplant – What You Need to Know
Fresh-picked, home-grown heirloom eggplant is sweet and delicious and we’ll show you how to grow it and enjoy it at its best!
/by Stephen Scott
Grow Great Hardneck Garlic at Home
Hardneck garlic has a more complex, richer, spicier flavor that is more 'garlicky' than the supermarket types. We show you how to grow your own great garlic!
/by Stephen Scott
Heirloom Corn – Grow It to Save It
Heirloom corn is one of our oldest domesticated foods, feeding us for an estimated 7,000 years. Originating in Mexico, this cultivated grass is highly versatile and adaptable, providing so much more than simply food for our lives today. See some delicious varieties and how to grow in a small space.
/by Stephen Scott
Build Your Own Seed Starting Station
A seed starting station helps you germinate seeds better and grow stronger transplants for your garden. Better gardens start with robust, healthy seedlings; they grow from the ideal conditions a seed rack provides. We share our 20 years experience in how to build your own.
/by Stephen Scott
Shade Your Garden for Better Vegetables
Shade for a garden is a polarizing subject – it seems like we’ve either got too much or too little. Today we’re focusing on gardens that need shade and showing you easy and simple ways to add some shade to your garden.
/by Stephen Scott
3 Ways to Grow Great Onions from Seed
Onions grown from bulbs or transplants are a good way to get started, but growing your onions from seed opens up a world of diversity in tastes, shapes, sizes, and colors. Seed-grown onions are just better all around!
/by Stephen Scott
Growing Peppers 101
We look at the basics of growing both sweet and hot peppers in your home garden and some mistakes to avoid and myths to be aware of. Armed with a little knowledge, you'll be much more successful this season!
/by Stephen Scott
Beneficial Soil Organisms – the Team Players
Beneficial soil organisms are the team players working tirelessly to improve your garden soil and feed your plants. Learn who they are and how to help them!
/by Stephen Scott
A Garden’s Beauty
A garden's beauty lies within each person who sees it, reflecting their experiences, dreams, and hopes. We see through the lens of our own reality, so no two people see the same garden.
/by Stephen Scott
Handmade Organic Soap
A bar of organic soap seems simple sitting in your hand, but it must do a lot – creamy lather that cleans while moisturizing, feels good and lasts well – all in one bar.
/by Stephen Scott
Shea Butter Heals Hands While Healing Lives
Real, pure Shea butter is handmade with incredible healing properties. Our partnership ensures it heals the lives who produce it while it heals our hands.
/by Stephen Scott
Ethel M Botanical Cactus Garden
The Ethel M chocolate factory in Henderson, NV has a delightfully unexpected surprise – a relaxing and refreshing botanical cactus garden! Impressive peace and beauty in the city.
/by Stephen Scott
Arugula – the Wild, Ancient, Hip and Versatile Green
Arugula might just be the perfect cool season aromatic salad green for the home gardener. Used as an herb, salad green, and leafy green vegetable it's a very versatile ingredient.
/by Stephen Scott
Cool Season Vegetables to Love
Gardeners are sometimes baffled when thinking about cool season vegetables. This quick checklist will help you choose what you like to eat and cook with.
/by Stephen Scott
Which cover crop mix is best for me?
Our cover crop mixes benefit the soil in multiple ways. You can't go wrong with either one, so we’ll show you which one is best for your garden.
/by Stephen Scott
Grow Lettuce in Summer
Grow lettuce through the summer without bolting with a little knowledge and preparation we'll share with you. Imagine your own fresh lettuce this summer!
/by Stephen Scott
Homegrown Sprouts Safety
Homegrown sprouts are an excellent alternative to meat, especially for vegetarians and vegans. They are healthy and nutritious if grown, tested and sprouted right.
/by Stephen Scott
Spring Onions – When and How to Plant
Spring onions are easy to grow and give great harvest in about two months. See how to choose, plant, grow and harvest them!
/by Stephen Scott
Salsify – the Vegetable Oyster
Salsify or oyster plant is an ancient herb that was eaten as a vegetable by the Greeks and Romans. Hardy and tasty, it is being rediscovered today.
/by Stephen Scott
Seed Testing and Preservation: A Behind the Scenes Look at Seed Testing Labs and the USDA
Everyone wants higher quality seed - from the home gardener to the production grower. Seed testing and seed preservation improve seed quality.
/by Stephen Scott
How to Grow Sprouts at Home
Sprouts need only 5 minutes a day, matures in about a week and has more nutrients per calorie than any other type of food. Easy to grow and delicious!
/by Stephen Scott
Increasing Your Garden Knowledge
One sure way to improve your garden next year is to increase your garden knowledge during the slower season. This is easier than you might think.
/by Stephen Scott
Grow Great Pumpkins from Seed to Harvest
Pumpkins are an important fall mascot, from jack-o’-lanterns to delicious foods. After all, what says Fall more than pumpkin spice lattes and pumpkin pies?
/by Stephen Scott
18 Shea Butter Benefits
Shea butter is the “superfood” for skin - rich in vitamins A, E and F, along with essential fatty acids and nutrients for healing while it moisturizes.
/by Stephen Scott
GrowHaus – Making Good Food Happen
GrowHaus is an indoor farm, marketplace and educational center in north Denver, CO. They live their motto of "Healthy food is a right, not a privilege."
/by Stephen Scott
Forest Highlands Kitchen Garden
Discover how a kitchen garden works in a cold, challenging climate. This 29 year old garden was put back into growing vegetables for the kitchen in 2015.
/by Stephen Scott
Cover Crops – Better Soil in a Month
Cover crops – also called green manures – have improved soil for thousands of years. We look at what one month of growth provides in an average raised bed.
/by Stephen Scott
Fall Onions Made Easy
Growing fall onions usually comes down to one question - “What onions can be grown this fall?” Sweet onions are the safest bet, we'll show you why!
/by Stephen Scott
Cover Crops FAQ
Our cover crops have created lots of questions about how to use them, so we've made this article a Q&A format for the most frequent questions.
/by Stephen Scott
Second Chance Gardening
Fall is the "Second Chance" for an abundant crop of cool season vegetables. We share some unique planting tips to make your garden a success!
/by Stephen Scott
Biting Insects Repellents You Can Grow
Biting insects are the bane of gardening – just when it's perfect to enjoy the garden those annoying biting insects join the party. These 8 herbs will help!
/by Stephen Scott
Direct Sowing Your Garden Successfully
Direct sowing can be done almost any time of the year - spring, summer or fall.. Read how to avoid common problems and set yourself up for success!
/by Stephen Scott
Easy Seed Germination Testing at Home
Our easy and simple germination test shows whether your seeds are good or not with supplies in your kitchen. Stop guessing and know for sure!
/by Stephen Scott
Milk and Molasses – Magic for Your Garden
Do you know the magic of milk and molasses in improving your garden? Plain old milk is a miracle for plants, soil and compost. Molasses boosts the benefits!
/by Stephen Scott
Vine Peach – Ancient Melon of Many Uses
Vine Peach is a hardy, drought tolerant, prolific ancient baseball sized melon of many uses from shade & windbreak to secret cooking element & room perfume.
/by Stephen Scott
Easy Garden Ideas
A garden can be easy and simple, with food, flowers, butterflies or just a spot with beautiful colors and relaxing, invigorating scents to relax after work.
/by Stephen Scott